BIMM-143, Lecture 16
Using remote machines (Part III)
If we want to take a look at the results of computing orthologs between mouse and cow, we can’t page through that big text file and understand it usefully. We have to use another program to look at it. Here, we’re going to use R and RStudio running on a remote server to visualize our BLAST score distributions!
…but first we have to install it.
1. Make sure you are connected to Jetstream
Make sure you are connected in your Terminal application to your assigned Jetstream computer instance. If you are not sure what this means then (re)visit the section of our previous hands on session Using remote machines (Part I).
2. Install RStudio on Jetstream!
The following commands install the prerequisites for RStudio Web, download the latest version, and then install it.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install gdebi-core r-base
After that finishes, download and install RStudio:
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-1.1.453-amd64.deb
Aftering answering yes
when prompted you should see a final line indicating that an RStudio server has started:
rstudio-server start/running, process
3. Figure out the Web site to connect to.
Because we’re using the cloud to run things, everyone will have a different computer that they’re running RStudio on. To find out what Web site to connect to to access YOUR server, run:
echo My RStudio Web server is running at: http://$(hostname):8787/
After running this, copy/paste the URL into your Web browser; you should see login page. Enter the username tb170077
. Unfortunately, we have not setup a password yet so you will need to return to the terminal and run:
sudo passwd tb170077
to change your password for this instance.
You will be prompted to enter a new password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
but note that the text will not echo to the screen (because it’s a password!)
Return to the browser login page and enter your new password. Note this will not change the global XSEDE login info (i.e. it only affects this instance).
Once R is up and running, we’ll give you a quick tour of the RStudio Web interface, but essentially it is much the same as the Desktop version of RStudio that we have been using up till now. The big difference is that this RStudio is not running on your laptop but rather on a supercomputer ;-)
4. Using RStudio online to read your output
N.B. Enter the below commands into RStudio, not the command line!
Download the precomputed data, and give it a better name; you could also use your precomputed shmlast results –
#download.file("", "shmlast.csv")
download.file("", "shmlast.csv")
Next, read the object in to R, and name it something that you might remember
shmlast_out <- read.csv("shmlast.csv")
5. Explore your data in R/Rstudio
Now we can take a look at the data in a slightly nicer way!
The object you created upon file reading is called a dataframe, which is a sort of R-ish version of a spreadsheet with named columns. Use the head()
command to take a look at the beginning of it all:
this is a generic R command that acts very much like the UNIX command line head
command but gives you a slightly nicer more structured view. In RStudio you can also use the view
which is much nicer altogether!
Another useful command is dim
which will tell you the DIMENSIONS of this data frame:
That’s a big data frame! 132,900 rows (and 17 columns!)
Let’s do some data visualization to get a handle on what our blast output looked like: first, let’s look at the E_scaled
This is telling us that MOST of the values in the E_scaled
column are quite high. What does this mean? How do we figure out what this is?
(Hint: the shmlast documentation should tell us! Go to that page and search for “To fit the model”.)
So these are a lot of low e-values. Is that good or bad? Should we be happy or concerned?
We can take a look at some more stats – let’s look at the bitscore
what are we looking for here? (And how would we know?)
(Hint: longer bitscores are better, but even bitscores of ~1000 mean a nucleotide alignment of 1000 bp - which is pretty good, no? Here we really want to rescale the x axis to look at the distribution of bitscores in the 100-300 range.)
We can also look at the length of the queries, which are the mouse sequences in this case.
Compare this to the bitscores… do things match? Are most mouse sequences getting matched by something of equivalent length?
Well, we can ask this directly with plot
plot(shmlast_out$q_len, shmlast_out$bitscore)
why does this plot look the way it does? (This may take a minute to show up, note!)
(The bitscores are limited by the length of the sequences! You can’t get a longer bitscore than you have bases to align.)
Summary points
This is an example of initial exploratory data analysis, in which we poke around with data to see roughly what it looks like. This is opposed to other approaches where we might be trying to do statistical analysis to confirm a hypothesis.
Typically with small sample sizes (n < 5) it is hard to do confirmatory data analysis or hypothesis testing, so a lot of NGS work is done for hypothesis generation and then confirmed via additional experimental work.
Some questions for discussion/points to make:
Why are we using R for this instead of the UNIX command line, or Excel?
(We’ll talk more about this later, too!)
One important thing to note here is that we’re looking at a pretty large data set - with ease. It would be much slower to do this in Excel. Also you can’t run Excel on a supercomputer ;-)
What other things could we look at?
Have we done a basic check of just looking at the data? Go back and look at the data frame! Do the gene name assignments look right?
How might we do this a bit more systematically, while still “looking” at things? Try googling ‘choose random rows from data frame’ and then run
shmlast_sub = shmlast_out[sample(nrow(shmlast_out), 10),] View(shmlast_sub)
What does the following code do?
tmp <- subset(shmlast_out, q_len >= 8000 & q_len <= 11000 & bitscore <=2000) functions <- tmp[, c("q_name", "s_name")]
and do you notice anything interesting about the names? (They’re all predicted/inferred genes.) What does this suggest about that “quadrant” of the data?