
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing came under fire recently with the publication of a paper in the journal, Future Medicine, highlighting the lack of support around the genetic testing process offered by DTC companies, and calling for them to make pre- and post-test counseling available to their consumers.

The findings were reported in The Guardian, where the potential for serious incidental findings to emerge from DTC testing, was highlighted using the example of individuals embarking on DTC for “a bit of fun” to explore their ethnic roots but then stumbling across information about their risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Have you been tempted to undergo DTC genetic testing? Were you aware that in doing so you might reveal that you had an 80% risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by the age of 80? Still tempted?

Where do you stand on direct-to-consumer testing – is it for you? Should it come with a health warnings?