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Key functions

The main view functions

These functions are used to generate 3D views of distinct bio3d objects and their related or derived data.

view.pdb() view.old()
Interactive PDB Viewing
Interactive PDBS Viewing
view.pca() view.nma()
Quick molecular viewing of bio3d PCA results

Utility functions

Conversion functions

These functions are used to convert bio3 objects for input to NGLVieweR.

Convert a PDB Object to a Character String
Convert PDBS to Multi-Element Character Strings
Convert a bio3d PCA or NMA object to a character vector for NGLVieweR input

Internal functions

These functions are used to check user specified color and graphic representation style keyword options against those allowed by NGL.

Internal utility function for matching available NGL colorSchemes
Internal utility function for matching available NGL representations

Deprecated functions

pdb2ngl() deprecated
Convert a bio3d PDB object for NGLVieweR
view.pdbs2() deprecated
Quick interactive PDBS object viewing using NGLVieweR