bio3d 2.0 Unreleased

Version 2.0, released in Nov 2013, contains over 30 new functions including enhanced Normal Mode Analysis facilities as well extensive improvements to existing code and documentation. For a fine-grained list of changes or to report a bug, please consult:

Major new functions include:

  • aa2mass: Amino Acid Residues to Mass Converter
  • atom.index: Index of Atomic Masses
  • atom2mass(atom2ele, formula2mass): Atom Names to Mass Converter
  • Binding Site Residues
  • com( Center of Mass
  • combine.sel: Combine Atom Selections From PDB Structure
  • dccm.enma: Cross-Correlation for Ensemble NMA (eNMA)
  • dccm.mean: Filter DCCM matrices
  • dccm.nma: Dynamic Cross-Correlation from Normal Modes Analysis
  • DCCM: Dynamical Cross-Correlation Matrix
  • deformation.nma: Deformation Analysis
  • dssp.trj: Secondary Structure Analysis of Trajectories with DSSP
  • fluct.nma: NMA Fluctuations
  • Mass-weighted Inner Product
  • is.pdb: Is an Object of Class pdb
  • Is an Object of Class
  • load.enmff(ff.calpha, ff.calphax, ff.anm, ff.pfanm, ff.sdenm, ff.reach): ENM Force Field Loader
  • mktrj.nma: NMA Atomic Displacement Trajectory
  • nma(build.hessian, print.nma): Normal Mode Analysis
  • nma.pdbs(print.enma): Ensemble Normal Mode Analysis
  • normalize.vector: Mass-Weighted Normalized Vector
  • pdb.annotate: Get Customizable Annotations From PDB
  • pdb2aln: Align a PDB structure to an existing alignment
  • pdb2aln.ind: Mapping between PDB atomic indices and alignment positions
  • pdbfit: PDB File Coordinate Superposition
  • pdbs2pdb: PDBs to PDB Converter
  • plot.enma: Plot eNMA Results
  • plot.nma: Plot NMA Results
  • plot.rmsip: Plot RMSIP Results
  • read.mol2: Read MOL2 File
  • sdENM: Index for the sdENM ff
  • sse.bridges: SSE Backbone Hydrogen Bonding
  • struct.aln: Structure Alignment Of Two PDB Files
  • view.dccm: Visualization of Dynamic Cross-Correlation
  • view.modes: Vector Field Visualization of Modes
  • vmd.colors: Color as in VMD Molecular Viewer