Construct a distance matrix for a given protein structure.
dm(...) # S3 method for pdb dm(pdb, inds = NULL, grp = TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...) # S3 method for pdbs dm(pdbs, rm.gaps=FALSE, all.atom=FALSE, aligned.atoms.only=NULL, ...) # S3 method for xyz dm(xyz, grpby = NULL, scut = NULL, mask.lower = TRUE, gc.first=FALSE, ncore=1, ...)
pdb | a |
inds | atom and xyz coordinate indices obtained from |
grp | logical, if TRUE atomic distances will be grouped according to their residue membership. See ‘grpby’. |
verbose | logical, if TRUE possible warnings are printed. |
pdbs | a ‘pdbs’ object as returned by |
rm.gaps | logical, if TRUE gapped positions are removed in the returned value. |
all.atom | logical, if TRUE all-atom coordinates from |
aligned.atoms.only | logical, if TRUE only equivalent (aligned) atoms are considered.
Only meaningful when |
xyz | a numeric vector or matrix of Cartesian coordinates. |
grpby | a vector counting connective duplicated elements that
indicate the elements of |
scut | a cutoff neighbour value which has the effect of excluding atoms, or groups, that are sequentially within this value. |
mask.lower | logical, if TRUE the lower matrix elements (i.e. those below the diagonal) are returned as NA. |
gc.first | logical, if TRUE will call gc() first before calculation of
distance matrix. This is to solve the memory overload problem when |
ncore | number of CPU cores used to do the calculation.
... | arguments passed to and from functions. |
Distance matrices, also called distance plots or distance maps, are an established means of describing and comparing protein conformations (e.g. Phillips, 1970; Holm, 1993).
A distance matrix is a 2D representation of 3D structure that is independent of the coordinate reference frame and, ignoring chirality, contains enough information to reconstruct the 3D Cartesian coordinates (e.g. Havel, 1983).
Returns a numeric matrix of class "dmat"
, with all N by N
distances, where N is the number of selected atoms. With multiple
frames the output is provided in a three dimensional array.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
Phillips (1970) Biochem. Soc. Symp. 31, 11--28.
Holm (1993) J. Mol. Biol. 233, 123--138.
Havel (1983) Bull. Math. Biol. 45, 665--720.
Barry Grant
The input selection
can be any character string or pattern
interpretable by the function
. For example,
shortcuts "calpha"
, "back"
, "all"
and selection
strings of the form /segment/chain/residue number/residue
name/element number/element name/
; see
for details.
If a coordinate vector is provided as input (rather than a pdb
object) the selection
option is redundant and the input vector
should be pruned instead to include only desired positions.
, read.pdb
# \donttest{ # PDB server connection required - testing excluded ##--- Distance Matrix Plot pdb <- read.pdb( "4q21" )#> Note: Accessing on-line PDB file#> Warning: /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/4q21.pdb exists. Skipping download## NOTE: FOLLOWING EXAMPLE NEEDS MUSCLE INSTALLED if(check.utility("muscle")) { ##--- DDM: Difference Distance Matrix # Downlaod and align two PDB files pdbs <- pdbaln( get.pdb( c( "4q21", "521p"), path = tempdir() ), outfile = tempfile() ) # Get distance matrix a <-$xyz[1,]) b <-$xyz[2,]) # Calculate DDM c <- a - b # Plot DDM plot(c,key=FALSE, grid=FALSE) plot(c,, resnum.1=pdbs$resno[1,], resnum.2=pdbs$resno[2,], grid.col="black", xlab="Residue No. (4q21)", ylab="Residue No. (521p)") }#> Warning: /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/4q21.pdb exists. Skipping download#> Reading PDB files: #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/4q21.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/521p.pdb #> .. #> #> Extracting sequences #> #> pdb/seq: 1 name: /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/4q21.pdb #> pdb/seq: 2 name: /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/521p.pdb# } if (FALSE) { ##-- Residue-wise distance matrix based on the ## minimal distance between all available atoms l <-$xyz, grpby=pdb$atom[,"resno"], scut=3) }