Performs a sequence and structural alignment of two PDB entities.
struct.aln(fixed, mobile, fixed.inds=NULL, mobile.inds=NULL, write.pdbs=TRUE, outpath = "fitlsq", prefix=c("fixed", "mobile"), max.cycles=10, cutoff=0.5, ... )
fixed | an object of class |
mobile | an object of class |
fixed.inds | atom and xyz coordinate indices obtained from
mobile.inds | atom and xyz coordinate indices obtained from
write.pdbs | logical, if TRUE the aligned structures are written to PDB files. |
outpath | character string specifing the output directory when
prefix | a character vector of length 2 containing the filename prefix in which the fitted structures should be written. |
max.cycles | maximum number of refinement cycles. |
cutoff | standard deviation of the pairwise distances for aligned residues at which the fitting refinement stops. |
... | extra arguments passed to |
This function performs a sequence alignment followed by a structural alignment of the two PDB entities. Cycles of refinement steps of the structural alignment are performed to improve the fit by removing atoms with a high structural deviation. The primary purpose of the function is to allow rapid structural alignment (and RMSD analysis) for protein structures with unequal, but related sequences.
The function reports the residues of fixed
and mobile
included in the final structural alignment, as well as the related
RMSD values.
This function makes use of the underlying functions seqaln
, and rmsd
Returns a list with the following components:
atom and xyz indices of fixed
atom and xyz indices of mobile
fitted xyz coordinates of mobile
a numeric vector of RMSD values after each cycle of refinement.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
Lars Skjarven
, rot.lsq
, pdbaln
# \donttest{ # Needs MUSCLE installed - testing excluded if(check.utility("muscle")) { ## Stucture of PKA: a <- read.pdb("1cmk") ## Stucture of PKB: b <- read.pdb("2jdo") ## Align and fit b on to a: path = file.path(tempdir(), "struct.aln") aln <- struct.aln(a, b, outpath = path, outfile = tempfile()) ## Should be the same as aln$rmsd (when using aln$a.inds and aln$b.inds) rmsd(a$xyz, b$xyz, aln$a.inds$xyz, aln$b.inds$xyz, fit=TRUE) invisible( cat("\nSee the output files:", list.files(path, full.names = TRUE), sep="\n") ) }#> Note: Accessing on-line PDB file #> PDB has ALT records, taking A only, rm.alt=TRUE #> Note: Accessing on-line PDB file #> #> Initial RMSD (321 atoms): 6.647 #> Cycle 1: 7 atoms rejected #> Mean: 1.3 Std: 6.1 Cut: 13.4 #> RMSD (314 of 321 atoms): 2.397 #> Cycle 2: 22 atoms rejected #> Mean: 1.2 Std: 1.7 Cut: 4.5 #> RMSD (292 of 321 atoms): 1.501 #> Cycle 3: 23 atoms rejected #> Mean: 1 Std: 0.9 Cut: 2.7 #> RMSD (269 of 321 atoms): 1.165 #> Cycle 4: 23 atoms rejected #> Mean: 0.9 Std: 0.6 Cut: 2 #> RMSD (246 of 321 atoms): 0.98 #> #> See the output files: #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/fixed.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/mobile_0.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/mobile_1.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/mobile_2.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/mobile_3.pdb #> /var/folders/xf/qznxnpf91vb1wm4xwgnbt0xr0000gn/T//Rtmp4WslmZ/struct.aln/mobile_4.pdb# } if (FALSE) { ## Align two subunits of GroEL (open and closed states) a <- read.pdb("1sx4") b <- read.pdb("1xck") ## Select chain A only a.inds <-, chain="A") b.inds <-, chain="A") ## Align and fit: aln <- struct.aln(a,b, a.inds, b.inds) }